Even if you’ve played Tales of Symphonia before, this list could teach you something new about the remastered game.
The JRPG Tales of Symphonia is being released again as Tales of Symphonia: Remastered. The game tells the story of Lloyd Irving, a young man who is trying to save the world of Sylvarant, and the people he meets along the way.
Tales of Symphonia is one of the better-known JRPGs, and it has a large number of fans all over the world because of its interesting, nuanced story and satisfying combat. The game has a lot of depth, which means that even for more experienced players, there’s a bit of a learning curve. This means that you can play it over and over again.
Players Should Adapt Their Style Of Combat To Each Boss/Monster Fight
The combat system in Tales of Symphonia: Remastered is one of the best things about the game. In the game, bosses and monsters often require players to change their strategy, using different moves and putting their team to use in different ways to get the upper hand over their enemy.
So, if players are having trouble with a certain boss in Symphonia, they might want to think about how they can change their strategy, since that can make all the difference. If this isn’t enough, players may also want to consider grinding for EXP to level up a few times.
Learn From Mistakes
Tales of Symphonia: Remastered is a pretty hard game, just like the first Tales of Symphonia. This is especially true in the beginning of the game, but it’s not a walk in the park no matter where players are in the campaign.
This means that even if a player is doing well, they are likely to have trouble from time to time during the game’s campaign, especially when fighting. Players should try to keep an open mind and learn as much as they can from their mistakes. For example, switching characters in the middle of a fight may be the best way to beat a certain boss.
Use Healing Items When Anticipating Heavy Damage
In Tales of Symphonia: Remastered, there are a lot of enemies that do a lot of damage, especially when you play the game on Hard Mode. On Hard Mode, enemies’ stats get boosted, and fights can get pretty dangerous very quickly.
Players should use healing items often at any point in the game, but especially when playing on Hard Mode and facing enemies that do a lot of damage. Damage negation might sound easy, but it’s a key part of beating Tales of Symphonia: Remastered. So, this is something that you should remember.
Learn the Optimal Timing For Artes And Unison Attacks
In Tales of Symphonia: Remastered, the different techs, unison attacks, and artes that players can use are a big part of what makes combat so satisfying and exciting.
But mastering the title takes a lot more than just using these moves and hoping for the best. Players need to really learn how to time them with their enemies to get the most out of them. This can take a lot of trial and error, but it’s worth it if Tales of Symphonia: Remastered players want to fully master the combat system.
Use Raine’s Resurrection Ability
Resurrection is one of the most useful artes in Tales of Symphonia: Remastered, and Raine is the only character who can learn it. Most of Raine’s spells are based on her ability to heal, which makes her one of the best party members in Tales of Symphonia: Remastered.
The Resurrection arte is very useful because it lets characters who have died get back up. So, players should unlock the Resurrection as soon as they can and should have Raine in their party pretty much all the time (and make sure she has the right title).
In Boss Fights With Multiple Enemies, Knowing How To Attack Safely Is Everything
In Tales of Symphonia: Remastered, some of the more difficult boss fights involve more than one enemy. This makes these fights harder for a number of reasons, including the fact that players have to deal with more than one threat at once.
In boss fights with multiple enemies, it’s most important for players to know when it’s safe to attack and when they should be focusing on defense or dodging instead. Changing the titles of party members can also help boost their defense. If a player isn’t sure what to do, they can always try to avoid damage by jumping.
Damage Negation Is Key In Hard Mode
Players who have finished the main story in Tales of Symphonia: Remastered may also want to try to beat the game in hard mode to keep playing. Finishing the game in hard mode is an accomplishment, but it’s a lot harder than in normal mode, especially since the enemies do more damage in hard mode.
If you want to play Tales of Symphonia: Remastered’s Hard Mode, you should do everything you can to cancel out the damage you take or try to take as little damage as you can (certain EX skills, for example, are one way of achieving this).
Mastering The Cooking System Is Worthwhile
If you really want to do well in Tales of Symphonia: Remastered, you should put in the time and effort to learn the cooking system and the different recipes.
In Tales of Symphonia: Remastered, most of the recipes are unlocked as part of the Wonder Chef side quest. When used, these recipes give players different buffs. Some of them can also fix problems with your status. It’s important to learn how to make these things because they can be very helpful in the game’s endgame or when playing on Hard Mode.
Try Speedruns To Keep Things Fresh
If you’ve never played 8 Ball Pool game before, you might be wondering how long it takes to beat. However, if you’ve played it before, you might get bored of it after you finish the main campaign. If this is the case, players can always try to speedrun the game to keep things interesting.
Of course, speedrunning has its own challenges that are very different from what players might have to deal with in the game’s main storyline. Finding shortcuts and the best way to do things takes a new way of thinking and is a great way to keep players interested in a game.
Tales of Symphonia: Remastered is now available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.